Parent Training
We offer targeted and specific hands on training for parents, teachers and others lead by our highly trained BCBA’s and graduate level students. Our training follows the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) task list in accordance with BACB standards. To drive more effective interventions in eliminating severe problem behaviors, we also offer training on conducting and using functional analysis.

Functional Behavioral Assessment
Within this assessment, there are two types of analytical approaches we like to utilize: descriptive analysis and functional analysis.
Descriptive analysis involves observing the behavior, identifying common events that happen after the behavior, then taking that data to make recommendations in order to create a hypothesis for the functions (or reasons) for the behavioral challenges.
Functional analysis involves interviewing those closest to the child, observing the individual and setting up control and tests conditions in order to pinpoint certain functions (or reasons) for the problem behaviors. By collecting this data, it allows our Behavior Analysts to determine which consequences cause the problem behaviors. Functional analyses are much more accurate than descriptive analyses for identifying the consequences that maintain problem behaviors. They are also often more time-efficient than descriptive analyses, since the latter require hours of observations to come up with the initial hypothesis.
Skill & Milestone Assessments (ABLLS-R, VB-MAPP, ALFS, PEAK, Social Skills)
There are a few critical areas to focus on when we start to assess for early intensive behavioral intervention. The ones we typically focus on here are:
VB-MAPP is the assessment that we prefer, as it is organized to evaluate skills at each developmental level (0-18 months, 18-36 months, 36-48 months).
PEAK is an assessment (and curriculum) that incorporates traditional verbal behavioral approaches and adds components to evaluate and teach through equivalence and relational learning to create derived responding.
ALFS focuses on daily living skills at home, school and within the community at-large. Because many adolescents struggle socially, we like to also evaluate using our Social Skills Rating Scale (or SSRS) to help focus the targets for intensive behavioral interventions to fill in the gaps of where social skills may be lacking.
Many children with autism struggle socially. Assessing skill using the Social Skills Rating Scale (SSRS) can help to focus the targets for intensive behavioral interventions to address social skills deficits (for example, using the Teaching Interaction Procedure to teach social skills such as accepting constructive feedback, sharing, showing empathy, etc).

Ecological Assessment
An ecological assessment is used to identify specific behaviors needed for a child to be successful in any given environment, including the amount of different behaviors that represent typical patterns. Ecological assessments often involve observing how a child performs in specific environments then compares their behavior against a sample of typical peers in that environment. These assessments can help determine what learning value a child is getting from a specific environment and whether that environment is appropriate given the child’s skills compared to those required to be successful in that environment.
ABA Science into Practice. Building Infinite Potential.
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