Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention

Early intervention that is effective means intensive and comprehensive applied behavior analysis programming focused across all critical developmental domains for children at ages as young as 18 months of age. For it to be the most effective, the behavioral treatment needs to be 30-40 hours a week on average for 2-3 years, and in some cases longer. Families are also coached on promoting generalization.


Domains covered with EIBI


(mands, tacts, intraverbals)

Conceptual Skills

(e.g., inferencing, perspective taking)


(mands, tacts, intraverbals)

Problem Behaviors

(e.g., tantrums, stereotype)

Social Skills

(e.g., greeting, losing graciously)


(flexibility, empathy, etc.)

Adaptive Functioning

(toileting, sleeping through the night, eating properly)


(joining play, following along, turn taking)

Critical Elements for Effective EIBI

30-40 hrs/ week on average for 3 or more years

Begins as early as possible, age 2 or prior if possible

1:1 delivery by trained Behavior Technicians

50-100 learning opportunities per hour using discrete trials, incidental teaching, other behavior analytic procedures

Individualized goals and objectives based on ongoing evaluation and data collected throughout sessions on all skill areas and behaviors addressed to eliminate barriers to learning

Comprehensive assessment informing goals and objectives

ABA Science into Practice. Building Infinite Potential.

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